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IRCTC Train Ticket Booking Online process

IRCTC Train Ticket Reservation Online

IRCTC train Ticket booking

  • In IRCTC there are various categories available in the train ticket booking online.
  • you can book the tickets 24×7. and for a particular train, you can book before 24 hours of departure.
  • in case of any emergency, you can make tatkal tickets and this is like first come first serve limited tickets are available usually booking start at 11 am.
  • there is one special quota for ladies who travel alone or with below 3 years old baby.
  •  also, there is a special discount for students available in the IRCTC.

IRCTC Booking Types

1.IRCTC UTS (Unreserved Ticketing System)

2.IRCTC Full Tariff Rate (ETR)

3.IRCTC General Booking

4.IRCTC Tatkal Booking

5. IRCTC Ladies Quota

How To Book IRCTC Tickets

Step1.open IRCTC application.

Sep2.choose an option called Plan My Journey.

Step3.choose from and To address then select Date then click on search trains.

Step4.than login to your account with a password and enter the captcha then log in.

Step5. If not register an account click here to : [ register an IRCTC application   ]

Step6.Choose any train and then check availability and choose and then enter passenger Details then submit.

Step7. you can add travel insurance for safety and you can choose payment mode either credit /debit /net banking or through UPI /BHIM.

Sep8. than say review journey details than once check all the detail and say Proceed to Pay.

Step9.it will make a payment through like Wallets or Multiple Payments methods.

Step10.choose any one of the methods suppose if you have phone pay google pay then choose multiple payments and choose phone pay then say pay then enter your register phone number then say send OTP TO LOGIN.

Step11.than enter that OTP in your phone and then say login then it automatically goes to phone pay you will get a notification to your phone pay and then it takes amount by defult then enter the password and pay the amount and now your tickets are booked.

CLICK HERE: [ you can also book tickets through IRCTC WEBSITE  ]






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