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How To Disable WhatsApp Account On Lost Phone

Disable WhatsApp AccountDisable whatsapp account

  • Disable WhatsApp Account On Lost Phone?.
  • are you worried about your whatsApp are you lost your phone.
  • don’t worry here I will guide you on how to deactivate your whatsapp when you lost your phone.
  • no one can access your personal data or any information like message audio video etc.
  • even though if you block your SIM the whats up will not be disabled so to disable your whatsapp account On Lost Phone follow the below steps.

Here are the steps to Disable WhatsApp Account

step1. first, you need to log in your email id in another mobile

step2.than in the TO box fill this mail ID ” support@whatsapp.com”

step3.than enter the subject as lost /stolen: Please Deactivate My Whatsapp account.

step4.afer this in the Email body enters like below. like

Dear Admin,

“I Have lost my phone. please Deactivate my Whatsapp account as soon as possible. ”

in the below of this line enter your Phone Number with your Country Code like, “(+91) 10 digit number ”


step5.once completion of all the detail send a mail then the admin will deactivate your account as soon as possible.

whatsapp disable

Note To Be Remember :

  1. don’t send this mail, again and again, send it only once.
  2. and one more important thing you need to keep in mind that you have to activate your account within 30 days.
  3. if you not done in 30 days your account will be deleted permanently so keep in mind.

now you got the point like , ” HOW To Diactivate Your WHatsApp Account ”

than the question raisesĀ  like ” How To Activate WhatsApp Account Which Is Diactivated By Admin ”

dont worry there is no such difficult methoad to activate your account it’s easy like as usual, you can use whatsapp.

by using SMS or PHONE CALL.



You Can Also Read This One : [ Whatsapp Payment Method ]



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